Game Rules and Target Regulations

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The Game Rules and the Target Regulations

 Target no. 1: US field archery

– The shooting distance: 20m

– The target style: a real size 3D deer target

– The number of shootings: 5 times each

– The game rule: 6 archers shoot the arrows by ones in order.

 Target No. 2: Hungarian travelling archery

– The shooting distance: 30m

– the target style: an 80 * 100㎝ circle, the travelling distance: 7m

– The number of shootings: 5 times each

– Time limit: 30 seconds for returning of the moving target

– The game rule: 6 archers simultaneously shoot 5 arrows within 30 seconds.

 Target No. 3: Turkish Puta

– The shooting distance: 40m

– the target style: height-120cm circle of lower/upper-90/40cm

– The number of shooting: 5 times each

– The game rule: 6 archers shoot the arrows by ones in order.

 Target No. 4: Chinese traditional archery

– The shooting distance: 50m

– the target style: a 50㎝ circle

– The number of shooting: 5 times each

– The game rule: 6 archers shoot the arrows by ones in order.

 Target No. 5: Japanese traditional archery

– The shooting distance: 60m

– the target style: a 100㎝ circle

– The number of shooting: 5 times each

– The game rule: 6 archers shoot the arrows by ones in order.

 Target No. 6: Mongolian traditional archery

– The shooting distance: Male 75m, Female 65m

– the target style: 2-layered 40 cylinders(8㎝ high and 8㎝ diameter each)

– The number of shootings: 5 times each

– The game rule: 6 archers shoot the arrows by ones in order.

 Target No. 7: Korean traditional archery

– The shooting distance: 90m

– the target style: 144㎝ by 186cm

– The number of shootings: 5 times each

– The game regulation: 5 archers shoot the arrows by ones in order.